Symptoms: Cough often develops after a cold, exposure to drafts, or getting wet feet. It may start with a scratchy throat, fever, chills, and a feeling of warmth. Thirst may also accompany these symptoms.

Homeopathic Remedies for Bronchitis

1. Aconitum D3

Common Name: Monkshood

  • When to Use: At the very beginning of illness.
  • Symptoms: Sudden fever with chills, scratchy throat, restlessness, thirst.
  • Dosage: 5 drops every 30 minutes to 1 hour. Follow up with Sulfur 6 (10 drops once).

2. Belladonna D3

Common Name: Deadly Nightshade

  • Symptoms: Dry, barking, convulsive cough with throat pain. Red, hot face; cold feet; hoarseness. Sweating, especially on covered body parts.
  • Dosage: 5 drops every 1–2 hours.

3. Bryonia D3

Common Name: White Bryony

  • Symptoms: Dry, harsh morning cough. Pain during coughing relieved by holding the chest. Worse in warm rooms; better after sweating or hot compresses. Greenish sputum with blood streaks.
  • Dosage: 5 drops every 2 hours.

4. Hepar Sulphuris D4

Common Name: Hahnemann’s Calcium Sulphide

  • Symptoms: Thick, offensive-smelling mucus. Spasmodic cough with vomiting.
  • Dosage: 1 tablet every 2–3 hours.

5. Ipecacuanha D6

Common Name: Ipecac Root

  • Symptoms: Spasmodic cough, difficult expectoration despite abundant mucus. Worse in the evening or at temperature changes. Better in warmth and rest. Often paired with digestive complaints.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 4 times daily. Alternate with Belladonna D3 or Cuprum 6. For asthma, pair with Arsenicum album 12.

6. Tartarus Emeticus D6

Common Name: Antimony Potassium Tartrate

  • Symptoms: Deep, wheezing cough with nausea. Abundant green or white phlegm. Weakness prevents effective expectoration. Better in warmth.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 3–4 times daily. Alternate with Phosphorus 6 for pneumonia.

7. Phosphorus 6

Common Name: White Phosphorus

  • Symptoms: Tickling, deep cough with scanty yellow-green sputum. Shortness of breath, hoarseness, nasal bleeding. Worse at night.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 2–3 times daily. Use with Bryonia D3, Ipecacuanha D6, or Tartarus Emeticus D6.

8. Drosera D3

Common Name: Round-Leaved Sundew

  • Symptoms: Nighttime coughing fits leading to vomiting. Bitter-tasting phlegm, metallic sensation. Worse with temperature changes.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 3–4 times daily. Alternate with Cuprum aceticum D4 (5 drops every 2 hours).

9. Causticum 6

Common Name: Hahnemann’s Potash

  • Symptoms: Harsh, painful cough. Relieved by cold drinks. Incontinence during coughing. Worse between 3–5 a.m.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 3 times daily.

10. Kalium Bichromicum D6

Common Name: Potassium Bichromate

  • Symptoms: Sticky, yellow-green phlegm. “Lump in throat” sensation. Better sitting forward. Worse lying down at night.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 3 times daily. Alternate with Hydrastis D4 (10 drops 2–3 times daily).

11. Natrium Muriaticum 6

Common Name: Table Salt

  • Symptoms: Transparent sputum, sunken eyes, sensitivity to drafts. Weakness and melancholia. Better in dry, warm weather.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 2–3 times daily.

12. Carbo Vegetabilis 6

Common Name: Vegetable Charcoal

  • Symptoms: Wheezing, yellowish phlegm. Weakness, cyanosis, gassy abdomen. Worse in cold or fresh air.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 3 times daily. Alternate with Calcarea Carbonica 6.

13. Arsenicum Album 12

Common Name: Arsenic Trioxide

  • Symptoms: Burning cough, restlessness, anxiety. White, frothy phlegm. Worsens at midnight and cold. Better with warmth.
  • Dosage: 10 drops twice daily.

Comparison Table of Remedies

Remedy Key Use Emotional Symptoms Physical Symptoms Thirst Tongue Better Worse
Aconitum Initial cold symptoms Restless, anxious Fever, chills, scratchy throat Yes Dry, red Warmth Cold drafts
Belladonna Acute dry cough Irritable, sensitive Hoarse, hot head, cold feet No Red, inflamed Rest Movement
Bryonia Morning dry cough Irritable, dislikes movement Chest pain, green sputum Yes Dry, coated Pressure, warmth Motion, warmth

Homeopathic Clinic Recommendations

Establish a timeline of symptoms with remedies.

  • Acute symptoms → Aconitum, Belladonna.
  • Persistent cough → Bryonia, Hepar Sulphuris.
  • Chronic bronchitis → Natrium Muriaticum, Carbo Vegetabilis.

Why and When to Avoid Certain Remedies

  • Avoid Belladonna after taking Aconitum if inflammation subsides.
  • Do not mix sulfuric remedies (Sulfur, Hepar Sulphuris) without guidance.

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