Runny Nose



A runny nose often comes along with colds and can sometimes turn into a chronic issue, leading to complications like sinusitis, ear infections, or tracheal inflammation. Let’s dive into some remedies you can consider, tailored to both the symptoms and the individual.

Allium cepa 6 – Onion Remedy

  • Key Symptoms: Sudden runny nose with watery, burning discharge that may irritate the skin around the nose. Often accompanied by watery eyes.
  • Dosage: 5 drops every 1–2 hours.
  • Constitutional Portrait: Ideal for lively individuals with an emotional disposition; easily moved to tears.
  • When to Avoid: Not recommended right after taking remedies like Pulsatilla.
  • Antidotes: Pulsatilla or Chamomilla.

Jodum D3 – Iodine Remedy

  • Key Symptoms: Non-stop nasal discharge, salty and irritating, often with nasal redness and swelling. May lose the sense of smell.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 4–5 times daily.
  • Constitutional Portrait: Nervous, thin, dark-haired people with constant hunger and respiratory issues.
  • Miasm: Tubercular.
  • Etiology: Triggered by rapid weather changes or stress.

Camphora D4 – Camphor Remedy

  • Key Symptoms: Sudden weakness, shivering, nasal congestion, or runny nose after chilling. Stops infection on day one.
  • Dosage: 3 drops on sugar hourly; for prevention, 1–2 drops 2–3 times daily.
  • When to Avoid: Avoid combining with Sulphur.

Aconitum D3 – Monkshood

  • Key Symptoms: Feverish cold with sneezing and sudden onset of symptoms.
  • Dosage: 5 drops every 30 minutes–1 hour.

Gelsemium 6 – Jasmine Remedy

  • Key Symptoms: Runny nose with pressure around the eyes and headache. Best for lingering colds.
  • Dosage: 8 drops 5–6 times daily. Alternate with Kalium bichromicum.

Apis D3 – Bee Remedy

  • Key Symptoms: Swollen nasal mucosa with burning or pricking sensation. Relieved in cold air.
  • Dosage: 5 drops every 2–3 hours.

Eupatorium perfoliatum D3 – Boneset

  • Key Symptoms: Flu-like cold with body aches.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 3–4 times daily.

Ammonium carbonicum D6 – Ammonium Remedy

  • Key Symptoms: Sharp, watery discharge; sluggishness and worsening in cold or damp weather.
  • Dosage: 5 drops every 2 hours.

Kalium bichromicum D6 – Potassium Bichromate

  • Key Symptoms: Thick, yellow-green, sticky mucus with sinus inflammation.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 3–4 times daily.

Dulcamara D3 & Chamomilla D4

  • Use: Ideal for infants with nasal congestion.
  • Dosage: 2–3 drops 3 times daily.

Pulsatilla D4 – Windflower

  • Key Symptoms: Thick, yellow discharge, better in fresh air.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 3 times daily.

Sanguinaria D4 – Bloodroot

  • Key Symptoms: Dry, burning nasal mucosa with right-sided headache.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 3 times daily.

Sambucus nigra D4 – Elderberry

  • Key Symptoms: Congestion in infants, especially at night, with cold extremities.
  • Dosage: 8 drops 4 times daily or diluted for infants.

Ipecacuanha D6 – Ipecac

  • Key Symptoms: Runny nose with dry cough, possible vomiting.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 3–4 times daily.

Comparison Table of Remedies

RemedyEmotional SymptomsPhysical SymptomsThirst?TongueKey Use
Allium cepaEasily moved to tearsWatery, burning nasal dischargeYesNormalAcute runny nose
JodumNervous and hungrySalty, non-stop dischargeModerateSlightly redChronic rhinitis
CamphoraRestlessCold shivers, nasal congestionNoPaleSudden colds
PulsatillaGentle, emotional, weepyYellow, creamy nasal dischargeNoCoated, yellowishRunny nose in warmth

Homeopathic Clinic Guidelines

  • Setting: Cozy, warm clinic with consultation by a licensed homeopath.
  • Treatment Approach: Personalization based on constitutional type, leading symptoms, and etiology.

Homeopathic Portraits & Mental Symptoms

  • Allium cepa: Quick-witted, expressive individuals prone to rapid reactions.
  • Pulsatilla: Compassionate, soft-hearted, but easily tearful.


  • Acute rhinitis
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Vasomotor rhinitis

Leading Symptoms

  • Burning discharge: Allium cepa.
  • Thick, sticky mucus: Kalium bichromicum.

Why Avoid Some Remedies?

  • Avoid Camphora if taking Sulphur.
  • Don’t mix Aconitum and Bryonia.

Additional Remedies for Aftercare

  • Nux vomica to settle digestion after remedies.
  • Arsenicum album to relieve lingering symptoms.
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