


Injuries are an inevitable part of life, ranging from minor bruises to significant trauma. Homeopathic remedies offer a natural and gentle way to aid recovery, reduce pain, and promote healing. This guide explores remedies that work for different types of injuries, their leading symptoms, and how to use them effectively.

1. Arnica Montana

  • Main Indications: Bruising, trauma, post-surgical recovery.
  • Leading Symptoms: Sore, bruised feeling; fear of being touched.
  • Mental Symptoms: Aversion to help, irritability.
  • Dosage: 5 drops every 2 hours on the first day; then every 4-6 hours.
  • Miasm: Psoric.
  • Relieves the Effects of: Physical overexertion.
  • Avoid With: Other trauma remedies initially.
  • Antidotes: Camphor.

2. Bellis Perennis

  • Main Indications: Deep tissue trauma, post-surgical recovery.
  • Key Symptoms: Swelling, stiffness, soreness.
  • Dosage: 10 drops thrice daily.
  • Miasm: Psoric-Syphilitic.
  • Antidotes: Hypericum.

3. Calendula Officinalis

  • Main Indications: Wound healing, prevention of infection.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 3 times daily.
  • Avoid After: Silica for pus-related injuries.
  • Constitutional Portrait: Gentle, nurturing personalities.

4. Echinacea Angustifolia

  • Main Indications: Infected wounds, septic conditions.
  • Key Symptoms: Suppuration, lingering fever.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 3 times daily; externally diluted 1:10.
  • Miasm: Syphilitic.

5. Hamamelis Virginiana

  • Main Indications: Venous bleeding, bruises.
  • Dosage: 5 drops every half hour initially.
  • Avoid Before: Ruta Grav.

6. Hypericum Perforatum

  • Main Indications: Nerve-rich injuries, lacerations.
  • Dosage: 5 drops every 2 hours.
  • Miasm: Syphilitic.

7. Ledum Palustre

  • Main Indications: Puncture wounds, insect bites.
  • Key Symptoms: Cold swelling, better with cold.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 3 times daily.

8. Rhus Toxicodendron

  • Main Indications: Sprains, strains, overexertion.
  • Dosage: 5 drops every 2 hours.
  • Avoid With: Ruta for muscular injuries.

9. Ruta Graveolens

  • Main Indications: Tendon and ligament injuries.
  • Dosage: 5 drops every 2 hours.

10. Symphytum Officinale

  • Main Indications: Bone fractures, periosteum injuries.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 2-3 times daily for 6 weeks.
  • Miasm: Psoric.

11. Sulphur

  • Main Indications: Chronic wounds, skin conditions.
  • Dosage: 10 drops twice daily.

12. Staphysagria

  • Main Indications: Surgical wounds, lacerations.
  • Dosage: 10 drops 3 times daily.

Leading Symptoms

  • Physical: Swelling, pain, tenderness, bruising.
  • Mental: Irritability, fear, aversion to being touched.


  • Psoric: Chronic, deep-seated pain.
  • Syphilitic: Septic wounds, infections.


  • Conditions Treated: Bruises, sprains, fractures, wound infections.

Homeopathic Constitutional Portrait

  • Arnica Types: Strong-willed, independent, but stubborn.
  • Hypericum Types: Gentle, introspective, prone to anxiety.


  • Common antidotes for overuse: Camphor, Nux Vomica.

Additional Remedy

  • Symphytum + Calcarea Phosphorica for fractures.

What to Take After

  • Echinacea for lingering infections.
  • Sulphur for chronic healing.

Why and When to Avoid

  • Avoid Arnica with open wounds initially.
  • Avoid Ruta with acute bleeding.


RemedyKey UseEmotional SymptomsPhysical SymptomsThirstTongueOther
CalendulaWound healing, infectionGentle, nurturingPus, rednessYesPale with cracksReduces suppuration
EchinaceaSeptic wounds, burnsWeak, lethargicPersistent feverNoCoated yellowBoosts immunity
HamamelisVenous bleeding, bruisesCalm, yet irritableDark, oozing bloodYesBluishReduces venous stagnation
HypericumNerve painRestless, agitatedShooting painNoPaleFor crushed nerve injuries
LedumPuncture woundsWithdrawn, prefers solitudeCold swellingNoDryBetter with cold
Rhus ToxSprains, strainsAnxious, restlessStiffness, tearingYesCoated whiteWorse with rest
RutaTendon/ligament issuesIrritable, restlessSharp, localized painNoPale with a yellow coatHelps with overexertion
StaphysagriaLacerations, surgeryMeek, suppressed emotionsClean cuts, stingingNoMoistPost-surgical aid
SulphurChronic wounds, skinProud, irritableRedness, itchinessYesBright redWorse with heat
SymphytumBone fracturesCalm, practicalSharp, localized painNoMoist, cleanAids bone regeneration
Bellis PerennisDeep tissue traumaEnergetic but restlessStiffness, sorenessNoCoated whitePost-surgery use
ArnicaBruising, traumaIrritable, avoids careSoreness, bruisingNoRed spotsAversion to being touched
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